Guangzhou is the first city in China to suspend COVID-19 nucleic acid testing


Guangzhou is the first city in China to suspend COVID-19 nucleic acid testing

guagnzhou city

We canceled nucleic acid testing for 3 days, and there will still be new positive cases every day in our city, but there are no severe cases. All of them are mild and asymptomatic infected people. Repatriation of a large number of positive students and positive people from other provinces, and second, all the subway meals will be resumed,covid-19 and so on. Normal school will be resumed, and primary and secondary schools and naive students will be suspended from school. Except for high school students, because of their young age and weak resistance of the elderly, recent statistics show that there are more than 162,700 local infected people, and there are no deaths. There are only 4 severe cases, which are close to the common flu. We protest against the hero Zhongnanshan and other experts, pointing out that a small number of patients infected with Covid-19 have slight sequelae, or even no sequelae. Guangzhou is the first shot for China. As Cantonese people, we should cherish our government's efforts, eat healthily, take more exercise and do plenty of outdoor activities

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